Middle reliever 中继投手
Relief pitcher who enters the game ininnings 4-6. 中继投手(又称救援投手)经常在4到6局上场投球。
Nibbling 挂角投球
When a pitcher is pitching to the corners of the plate, and often just missing 指投手投出好球区角落的球,经常不能投中
No-hitter(no-no) 无安打比赛
When a team gets zero hits in a full game. 当一个球队在整场比赛中都没有被击出安打。
Nubber 弱地滚球
When the batter hits one off the end of the bat and it doesn’t go very far. 打者用棒头打出一个近距离的弱地滚球。
Off-speed pitch 慢速投球
A pitch of significantly slower velocity than a fastball. 比快速球慢得多的投球。
Applies to all secondary pitches except cutters and sinkers -changeups, curveballs and sliders are all off-speed pitches. 除了卡特球和下沉球,变速球、曲线球、滑球等除了快速球以外的球种,都可以称为慢速球。
O-for 无安打
When a hitter gets no hits in a game, such as O-for-3 or O-for-4. 投手在比赛中没有被击出安打,比如O-for-3,3打席无安打,O-for-4,4打席无安打。
On-deck 等候打者
The next hitter up to bat. 下一个上场击球的打者。
Warms up in the on-deck circle. 请在等候打击区热身。

On the screws 正中甜点
When a hitter hit a ball very hard on the barrel of his bat. 打者用棒球棒的粗头甜点大力击中球。
He hit that one on the screws! 他击球正中甜点!
On the bump (or hill) 登板投球
Refers to who is pitching. 指投手在投球。
Ricky is on the bump tonight. Ricky今晚投球。
Opposite field 对侧场地
The side of the field opposite of the batter’s box the hitter stands in. Right field for a righty hitter, left field for a lefty hitter. 与打者击球箱站位相反的场地。对右打者来说是(二垒垒包)右侧场地,对左打者来说是左侧场地。
Jammed 击球卡住
A hitter gets jammed when he swings at a pitch close to his hands 打者击球卡住是指他挥棒试图打击靠近他手的一颗投球
Johnny Wholestaff 全员投手
When there is no starting pitcher for a game and numerous relief pitchers must combine to pitch the game. 当先发投手不能比赛,所有的中继投手必须三军用命把比赛投下来。
No starter tonight-looks like Johnny Wholestaff will be pitching. 今晚没有先发投手,看上去全员投手要上。
Junk 丢破烂
When a pitcher throws lots of off-speed and breaking pitches, he’s said to be throwing lots of junk. 当投手投出大量的慢速球、变化球,他被认为是在丢破烂。
Painting the black 描边投球
Home plate is black around the edges. Painting the black means the pitcher is doing a good job of pitching to the corners of the strike zone. 本垒板有一圈黑边。描本垒板的黑边表示投手投得很好,总是投向好球区的边边角角。
Pick-off 牵制
When a pitcher throws to a base after coming set, to try to catch a base runner off the base(or at least to keep their leads short). 投手在做好投球准备后传向某个垒位,试图将离垒的跑垒员传杀出局(或者至少控制跑垒员离垒不要太远)。

Pinch hitter 代打
A player called up to hit in the place of an other hitter, as a substitute. 代替原定击球员上场击球的替补打者。
Pinch runner 代跑
When a substitute player goes into replace a baserunner. 代替原定跑垒员上场跑垒的替补跑垒员。
Pine tar 松焦油
Hitters rub sticky pine tar on their bat handles to improve their grip 击球手在他们的球棒柄上涂上粘稠的松焦油以提高他们的握力
Pitching around a hitter 投球远离打者,敬远
When the pitcher stays away from the center of the strike zone against a hitter. 当投手和打者对决时不投向好球区中间位置。
This strategy is employed against very good hitters or in specific high-pressure situations or with a base open, when the pitcher won’t be negatively affected if he walks the hitter. 这样的战术用于对付强棒打者或者高压下,垒上有空垒,投手即使报送打者也不会有负面影响的局面。
Pitch-out 牵制投球
When the pitcher intentionally throws a ball high and outside the strike zone to give the catcher a good pitch to throw a stealingbase runner out on. 投手有意投出一个在好球区外的高球,让捕手容易接住并将盗垒跑垒员传杀出局。
The pitcher and catcher must guess when they believe the runner will be stealing and call a pitch-out hoping he steals on that pitch, because it gives them a good chance at catching him. 投手和捕手必须猜测跑垒员什么时候会盗垒,然后要一个牵制投球希望跑垒员在投这个球时盗垒,因为这样更有机会将跑垒员杀出局。
Pitch Movement (lingo) 投球线路术语
Break: when a pitch has curving action, such as with a curveball, slider, splitter or cutter 变化球,球路有曲线,类似曲线球、滑球、指叉球或卡特球
Cut:moves slightly toward the pitcher’s glove side 内切球,球路拐向投手手套侧
Run:moves slightly toward the pitcher’s arm side 外切球,球路拐向投手投球手侧
Sink:moves downward (term only applies to sinking fastballs or change ups, not sliders or curveballs) 下沉球,球路下沉(仅适用于下沉快速球或变速球,不适用于滑球和曲线球)
Late life:ball appears to speed up on the hitter (also called hop) 后加速球,球到达打者时看上去会加速
Position player 场员
Any player who is not a pitcher 除了投手之外的防守球员
Pulling the ball 拉打
When a hitter hits the ball toward the line of the same side of the field as the batter’s box he stands in. Left field for righty hitters and right field for lefty hitters. 打者朝他击球箱站位同侧场地方向击球。左打者打向右侧场地,右打者打向左侧场地。
Raking 筛出
When a hitter has been hitting very well. 当打者打击成绩非常好时。
He’s been raking in the month of April. 他四月份的打击名列前茅。