原创 秦伟博

When I was nine years old, I was very fat, so my mom sent me to Bonkid. At then the only thing that interests me was food, and it must be tough to drag me away from it. Looking back, honestly, I feel grateful to all my coaches and teammates to inspire my self-motivation, and to unearth my inner strength. Though I’m still fat, I lost about one fifth of my weight. Most importantly, muscles finally appeared on me.
Baseball taught me how not giving up. Because of obesity, I used to be a benchwarmer. I never gave up. Later I joined the best team in Bonkid. Starting in being a benchwarmer, step by step, I gradually made my way to the lineup team. Now being probably one of the top three players in the team, this process ensured me one thing:never give up, believe what you believed, and just dash toward you goal until you finally touche your dream.
The confidence I developed contributed a lot to my high school application. English was my nightmare. Embarrassed to say, as far as I grew, the only thing that could make me cry like a baby is vocabulary. It is my experience in Bonkid that encourages me to continue trying, and never give up. Months later, I got the offer sent from my dream school, in State, America. My keys to success, is the never-give-up quote I kept in Bonkid, the baseball techniques I accumulated from time to time, the self-discipline I developed.
Up to now, I’ve travelled to various cities for baseball game: New York, Boston, IMG camp in Florida, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Chengdu, Tsi’shuang Ban’na, Wu’tsi, Zhong’shan, Inner Mongolia… My foot prints were left in a wide range of the world, from deserts to prairies to rain forest and windy seas. In those amazing times, we used to fill the days with laughter, while roaming all over the world from here to there. Looking back, I could still see those days glittering in gold in the river of time. I miss those days with baseball from heart.
I’ve always felt lucky to have Bonkid along with me in my journey. I appreciate all my family members, coaches, teachers, friends and teammates and everyone. I wish I could still have that strength in me, and never quit in trying my best. Let everyone of us be the shiniest star in the sky, in Bonkid.
Thank you and please enjoy your games!