本期为大家介绍的棒球经典歌曲是Eddie Vedder的”All the Way”,又名”We’ll go all the way”。

这首歌的作者和演唱者Eddie Vedder是美国著名摇滚乐队Pearl Jam的前主唱。Vedder出生于芝加哥,其后辗转其它地方度过童年,长大后又回到芝加哥学习和生活,并在这里开始自己的歌唱事业。他非常热爱棒球运动,是大联盟球队芝加哥小熊队(Chicago Cubs)铁杆粉丝,并引以为豪。从1998年以来,他已经多次在小熊队主场——芝加哥Wrigley Field棒球场为大家献艺,在第七局中间休息时表演《Take Me Out to the Ball Game》,有时也为比赛开球。


Eddie Vedder ,一头卷发、充满激情与个人魅力的艺术家




Vedder在Wrigley Field球场身着小熊队服,为球队加油


芝加哥小熊队主场Wrigley Field


Wrigley Field球场最为著名和独特之处:由常春藤覆盖的外场墙,非常养眼




Don’t let anyone say that it’s just a game

For I’ve seen other teams and it’s never the same

When you’re born in Chicago you’re blessed and you’re healed

The first time you walk into Wrigley Field

Our heroes wear pinstripes;heroes in blue

Give us the chance to feel like heroes too

Whether we’ll win and if we should lose

Some day we’ll go all the way

Yeah! Someday we’ll go all the way

We are one with the cubs,with the cubs we’re in love

Yeah,hold our head high as the underdogs

We are not fairweather by farweather fans

We are like brothers in arms in the streets and the stands

There’s magic in the ivy and the old scoreboard

The same one I stared at as a kid keeping score

A world full of greed,I could never want more

Someday we’ll go all the way

Yeah! Someday we’ll go all the way

And here’s to the men and legends we’ve known

Teaching us faith and giving us hope

United we stand and united we’ll fall

Down to our knees the day we win it all

Ernie Banks said “Oh,let’s play two”

Or did he mean 200 years

In the same ball park,our diamond,our jewel

The home of our joy and our tears

Keeping traditions and wishes made new

Place where our grandfathers,fathers they grew

Spiritual feeling if I ever knew

And if you aren’t been I am sorry for you

When the day comes with that last winning run

And I’m crying and covered in beer

I’ll look to the sky and know I was right

That Someday we’ll go all the way

Yeah! Someday we’ll go all the way